Latest Update: September 26, 2010
Hello and welcome to my website. I've recently been doing some updating. Stay tuned...
If you are a "Brannen", check out my Brannen History page. This has photos and information on the descendents of my grandparents (Joe Brannen and Hazel Dominy Brannen), along with some history of the Brannens going back about 200 years. You may also want to see this Dominy Family Reunion photo from 1959.
Because this is a "home" page, I've included a photo of our home below:
For those who keep count of
such things, this website has been
visited somewhere around
times since the last time you
checked...personally I'm glad if you choose to visit. But some people seem to
be wrapped up in counting this stuff, so I provide this fine counter for you.
Anyone that knows me well knows that I've always been into music and guitars. Here is where you can go to take a look at photos of some of my guitars and the musical artists that I think are worth listening to. Click on this link to go to Joe's music pages.
I love Hawaiian shirts. I guess you could call me a modest collector. Here is where you can view some of my collection of Hawaiian shirts.
No doubt about it, my biggest hobby is music. I've naturally got my favorite rock and country songs. So if you want to see my Top 100 Rock Songs of All Time or even my Top 100 Country Songs of All Time, then help yourself. Please note, I frequently get e-mail from people scanning these song lists and then sending me hateful e-mails such as, "I can't believe you listed the 100 top rock songs of all time and left off (pick a song), and this shows me that you don't know what you are talking about!" And so on....personally, I don't care if you aren't pleased with my choices, so save yourself time by not letting me know all the pain you are feeling. On the other hand, if you agree with some of my selections or have something positive to say, I'm eager to hear your comments. All I ask is that you please, please, please (AAAAAAAGGGGGGH....'James Brown, okay?') remember that these are what I personally think are the top songs. Your picks may be different, and we don't have to fight over it. Okay???
I enjoy watching and reviewing movies. Here's where you can go and see my list of the best movies of all time along with short reviews of each. Reference the note in the paragraph above....ditto.
I am also a program developer. In the course of my work as a cost estimator, I have developed a program called Est$Pro©. Est$Pro is a process plant estimating program for Windows that quickly estimates the costs of refinery andpetrochemical equipment and process units. Est$Pro can be purchased from the fine folks at Gulf Publishing Company, or you can download a working trial copy of the program to check it out. I encourage you to do so, as I get a nice royalty check from Gulf every three months, and I'd like to keep those coming in. Unfortunately these aren't enough to retire on!
These are getting a bit old now, but here are photos of Joe's & Cheryl's Hawaiian Wedding (July 2004)
Click here to send feedback or other e-mail to Joe Brannen.